Project Note Comment

This event is used to notify webhooks about changes related to the comments in notes in Zeplin projects.


  • "created"
  • "deleted"
  • "updated"


projectProjectProject in which the comment has been added
screenScreenScreen in which the comment has been added
noteScreen NoteNote in which the comment has been added


idstringUnique id of the resource
typestring ("ScreenNoteComment")Type of the resource (one of the API models)
dataScreen Note CommentObject representing the resource content


  "event": "project.note.comment",
  "action": "created",
  "timestamp": 1572347818,
  "resource": {
    "id": "5dbad85a76ea51c1f35b6f69",
    "type": "ScreenNoteComment",
    "data": {
      "id": "5dbad85a76ea51c1f35b6f69",
      "created": 1572347818,
      "order": 1,
      "status": "open",
      "position": {
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      "color": {
        "name": "yellow",
        "r": 254,
        "g": 207,
        "b": 51,
        "a": 1
      "creator": {
        "id": "5d9caaecb4a3fa9bc9718686",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "username": "zozo",
        "emotar": "🍎",
        "avatar": "",
        "last_seen": 1616739240
      "comments": [
          "id": "5dbad85a89ea51c1f35bcffe",
          "author": {
            "id": "5d9caaecb4a3fa9bc9718686",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "username": "zozo",
            "emotar": "🍎",
            "avatar": "",
            "last_seen": 1616739240
          "content": "Hey ho! Let's go!",
          "updated": 1572347818
  "context": {
    "project": {
      "id": "5db81e73e1e36ee19f138c1a",
      "name": "HAL 9000",
      "description": "UI designs for the onboard computer on the spaceship Discovery 1",
      "platform": "web",
      "thumbnail": "",
      "status": "active",
      "scene_url": "",
      "created": 1517184000,
      "updated": 1572347818,
      "number_of_members": 47,
      "number_of_screens": 112,
      "number_of_components": 46,
      "number_of_connected_components": 32,
      "number_of_text_styles": 28,
      "number_of_colors": 17,
      "linked_styleguide": {
        "id": "5db81e6e6a4462065f04d932"
    "screen": {
      "id": "5dbad85a76ea51c1f35b6f69",
      "name": "Login",
      "description": "Login screen for HAL 9000",
      "tags": [
      "image": {
        "width": 2560,
        "height": 1920,
        "original_url": "",
        "thumbnails": {
          "small": "",
          "medium": "",
          "large": ""
      "created": 1517184000,
      "updated": 1572347818,
      "number_of_notes": 7,
      "number_of_versions": 4,
      "section": {
        "id": "5db81e6e6a4462065f04d932"
      "variant": {
        "value": "Default",
        "group": {
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          "name": "Login"
    "note": {
      "id": "5dbad85a76ea51c1f35b6f69",
      "created": 1572347818,
      "order": 1,
      "status": "open",
      "position": {
        "x": 0.93,
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      "color": {
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      "creator": {
        "id": "5d9caaecb4a3fa9bc9718686",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "username": "zozo",
        "emotar": "🍎",
        "avatar": "",
        "last_seen": 1616739240
      "comments": [
          "id": "5dbad85a89ea51c1f35bcffe",
          "author": {
            "id": "5d9caaecb4a3fa9bc9718686",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "username": "zozo",
            "emotar": "🍎",
            "avatar": "",
            "last_seen": 1616739240
          "content": "Hey ho! Let's go!",
          "updated": 1572347818
  "actor": {
    "user": {
      "id": "5d9caaecb4a3fa9bc9718686",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "username": "zozo",
      "emotar": "🍎",
      "avatar": "",
      "last_seen": 1616739240