
Type: object

idstringIdentifier of the color
createdintegerThe unix timestamp when the color was created
source_idstring (Optional)Color's identifier in the design tool
namestringName of the color
rintegerRed component of the color
gintegerGreen component of the color
bintegerBlue component of the color
anumberAlpha component of the color
sourceResource Source (Optional)Source of the color–either project or styleguide.
variable_infoVariable Info (Optional)Variable info of the color


  "id": "5dbad85a76ea51c1f35b6f69",
  "source_id": "0BEBFEB3-A107-4D1D-A3B0-77D1FBD35F01",
  "created": 1517184000,
  "name": "baby poop green",
  "r": 143,
  "g": 152,
  "b": 5,
  "a": 1,
  "variable_info": {
    "source_id": "280c52e619f9c84a4e5e265bb746ede50d898cb3",
    "collection_source_id": "4af2ee68305a9b4f0c655141e7ba01a51ab61bde"
  "source": {
    "project": {
      "id": "5db81e73e1e36ee19f138c1a",
      "name": "HAL 9000",
      "platform": "web",
      "linked_styleguide": {
        "id": "5db981be9df2b3e1bfa19ef2"